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West 4th Cocoon - A Custom

West 4th Cocoon

Weaving has begun on Cocoon. This wrap is inspired by the protective "Cocoon" that the custom mom knit for her little one while baby was in the NICU.

Cocoon is inspired by the knitting project that the custom mom completed after her little one was born early and was in the NICU. The blanket and hat she knit became the protective Cocoon that help to keep her little one safe and warm when mom was not able to hold him close.

"The flowing nature of the colours reminds me that in motherhood, nothing stays the same for long. Our growing babies continue to change and develop, as does our relationship with them and parenting styles and strategies. I truly love how there is really “no order” or strict system to the colours but they come together so perfectly in our "Cocoon". The custom mom.

Semi-custom Sister spots are open until November 24, 2016. to reserve your semi-custom spot by going to our request form at:

In your semi-custom spot you can select your weave, plain, pebble, West 4th Twill, West 4th Hearts; your weft fibre, cotton, flax and Tencel blend, Superwash merino wool and silk blend; merino wool; or our silk weft. You can also select your colour from what is available, in the cotton all colours are available, in the flax blend we have charcoal, blue, raspberry, dark pink(fuchsia), peacock blue, purple, and natural, in the superwash merino wool and silk weft only natural is available, in the merino wool only natural is available, in the silk we have light blue, light pink, purple, raspberry, very dark blue/black, grey, and dark pink.

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